Periods: 20th-21st century
Research interests: Psychoanalysis, Comparative Poetics, Critical Theory, Border Studies, Latin American Studies, American Studies, Gender Theory, Philosophy of Language, Art History.
Languages: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese
Anaís Martinez Jimenez is a PhD candidate and a psychoanalyst in training at the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis in New York. In her dissertation work, she proposes a comparative reading of the topology of the freudo-lacanian unconscious and the paraconcept of the ‘poetic’. She traces this relationship, from its origins in Europe to its reception in the American continent, through 20th century artistic exchange. More broadly, she is interested in clinical psychoanalysis as a humanistic therapeutic practice, in North American subjectivity post NAFTA, and in the poetics of the self. Anaís grew up in the San Diego/Tijuana region where she crossed the international border daily for eighteen years. She earned her bachelor's degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Chicago where she was a Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow (2016) and obtained her Master’s with distinction in Literature, Languages, and Cultures from the University of Edinburgh (2018). In 2019, she began her doctorate at Princeton and was a Lassen Fellowship recipient during her first year. She is currently a candidate for a graduate certificate with the Program in Latin American Studies.